Zachary's fourth month click here to go to Zach's fifth month

Aunt Lisa has the touch! 01/03/07

Zach, the Phillies fan! 01/04/07

Zach is THREE months old! (yoiks, time flies!!) 01/10/07

His new favourite toy: his tongue! 01/10/07

Zach and his little friend, Mia (and her mommy) 01/12/07

"She is mine, he is mine...." :=D

Zach's 3-months-old-in-the-chair shot 01/10/07

Daddy reading Zach's "Road & Track" to him 01/18/07

(it really is his subscription - his name is on the label!) (thanks again, Mr. Wieszczyk !)

Mommy & Zach return from a walk.... but where's Zach?? 01/18/07

....There he is!! 01/18/07

Zach having fun with Diana! 01/27/07

Our little paduwan 01/28/07

(that's a Star Wars reference, for those of you who didn't know....)

Two can play at this game! 01/29/07

Cozy in his car seat (what a cutie, eh?!) 02/02/07

Zach's got a new toy! (-besides his newfound fingers..) 02/02/07

(no, he doesn't exactly "jump" in his jumper.... its more like "dangle" or "pivot," at this point!)

Mama loves her Zachy, that's for sure!! 02/04/07

Wheeeeeeee! 02/05/07

Just hangin'.... 02/06/07

An apron built for two! 02/09/07

(Zach helps out with ALL kinds of chores!)